Pacific Coast Deluxe Dried Fruit Tray with Nuts Gift - Free Shipping

Pacific Coast Deluxe Dried Fruit Tray with Nuts Gift - Free Shipping

Click Here

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Raw Diet

Raw Diet

Diet Plan

Anatomically speaking the human body was created to process the pure eleMents from nature. This is also the principle of the raw diet. A regular low calorie diet concentrates only on losing weight but this raw diet incorporate also on your health. Not many diet plans help you treat or forestall different disease, but this raw diet does that. The gold rule of this diet plan is that you cannot boil, fry, or cook the eleMents of your meal. Before you start this diet is good if you prepare yourself and your body for this turn that you want to make in your life. For you to feel good with this type of Food, you should begin with a glass of juice made of fresh vegetables or fruits. This is great on an empty stomach, in the morning, and on the rest of the day is great as a snack.

There are some eleMents that are great to use on this diet plan but of course you can add others that can help you on this transition. Vegetables and spices that are raw or dry are the main elements of this diet. You will also need to include: seeds, nuts, earth nuts, sprouts, and sea weeds. Besides these Foods you can add cereals, or raw meat. The raw meat should be a definite Fish or chicken that is very well dried and mixed with different condiments (again the condiments are those that you like and are good for your health). A great desert for this raw diet is the mix of warm milk with whites of egg whisked into froth. You can also consist of products that are made enTirely with milk, like natural yogurt. An important factor of this raw diet is that you cannot have any kind of alcohol, refined sugar, or drinks that consist of caffeine.

Those who had tried the diet said it was an inspiring experience and a great way to stay slim and protect your health. If you think about it, there are many vegans that live perfectly with this style of life every day, enjoying every little of it.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Greet to Great - 3 Ways to devotee the Welcome

Greet to Great - 3 Ways to devotee the Welcome

Are you a specialist of the Welcome?

Hope so.

Because the first words out of your mouth frame the enTire buyer experience.

Consider these two facts:

1. Agreeing to The Wall road Journal from February 17th, 2006, you have less than five seconds to make a first impression.

2. Agreeing to a 2007 article on Hotel Executive, your greeting influences the customer's perception more than any other act of engageMent.

That's how suited your first words are.

With that in mind, let's inspect three ways to specialist the welcome so you can go from Greet to Great.

Phone Greetings

Aaron Jaslow, editor of the networking/marketing publication RainToday, shares a great example. "A house friend once founded a enterprise called Quack Quack Productions. Needless to say, he picked up the phone every day and said, 'Quack, Quack!' I would have paid money to work there and sass the phones like that."

Is your phone greeting that good?

So unique that complete strangers would call just to hear it?

So unique that citizen would want to work there just to use it?

Go From Greet To Great: be unique and unforgettable in less than eight words.

Voice mail Greetings

So you miss a few calls. Big deal. You can still leverage your voice mail as an effective branding and aid tool.

My friend Kenny Golde, filmmaker and owner of Fire Breathing Dragon, Inc., ends his voice mail greeting with, "And don't forget to tell me your favorite movie!"

Callers love it. What's more, they engage. Clients and prospects alike will go on for minutes. They share movie-related stories, favorites and preferences on a daily basis. What a great technique to get to know your callers!

Is your voice mail that good?

So good that your callers don't want to hang up?

So good that it helps you learn buyer preferences?

From Greet To Great: rerecord your voice mail with a question.

Front Door Greetings

In the sell world, greetings are Gold. As a former furniture salesman, I can attest to that!

Here's an exercise: think about your store. Make a list called "Top Ten Most tasteless Greetings Customers Expect to Hear."

Then make sure Nobody uses any of them.

Fact: the most effective way to capture customers' concentration is to break their patterns.

The store at which I sold furniture was nuts. City Liquidators had three floors of couches, coffee and craziness. So, I would advent customers as they walked in the door and say, "Welcome to the circus!"

And they loved it.

Is your greeting unexpected?

So unexpected that customers stop in their tracks?

So unexpected that customers are instantly made comfortable?

From Greet To Great: when you break a pattern, you make a sale.

Let Me Ask Ya This...

Are you a specialist of the Welcome?

Let Me advise This...

Brainstorm three new greetings for your phone, voicemail and storefront.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Erectile Dysfunction Natural treatment - Tips To Cure Your Ed naturally

Erectile Dysfunction Natural treatment - Tips To Cure Your Ed naturally

This article highlights 8 of the most important tips that one can effect to cure erectile dysfunction naturally. Natural remedies and treatMents for erectile dysfunction are a safe alternative to dangerous designate drugs. Try these before you make a decision on designate drugs.

1. Take note of what you eat: If you take your diet more seriously you are production a big determined change to cure your Ed. Avoid Fast Foods, fattening Foods, high sugary foods or sweets. If you cut total fat intake to less than 60 grams per day and cut Cholesterol you are well on your way to manage your Ed.

2. Growth circulation: The very act of achieving an erection depends on a good blood Supply to the penile arteries. A diet that is low in fats and Cholesterol will go a long way to enhance the circulation in your loins!

3. Size of your meals: Just make a fist and the size of this fist should be your meal size. 5-6 small meals per day will ensure that your blood flow is kept going to where it needs to go for an erection rather than the stomach for digestive purposes.

4. Fiber: A diet rich in fiber (whole grains, fruits and vegetables) are responsible to keep the body cleansed and detoxed.

5. Vitamins: Without exaggerating the significance of Vitamins here suffice to say that a daily intake of Vitamins will ensure proper blood flow to the penile arteries. Vitamin E is an anti-oxidant Vitamin that serves to free the arteries from harmful free radicals and has to be a major component of your daily Vitamin intake.

6. Water: Water has cleansing and purifying properties. Three quarters of our body is water and aim to drink at least 10 tall glasses of water every day.

7. Gingko: Many supermarkets are stocked with suppleMents containing Gingko. Touted as a wonder herb Gingko increases the blood flow and circulation to the genital arteries and veins and this reverses Ed.

8. Breathing: Oxygen is vital to reversing Ed and what better way to get more Oxygen into you than some simple breathing exercises aimed at deep breathing. Just 15 minutes a day of deep breathing will ensure that you Growth the Oxygen article in your body.

In increasing to the above 8 tips on general diet there are some captivating 'foods' that are known to reverse Ed. Here is a list of what's good for you:

1. Dark Chocolates: Dark chocolates are known to Growth the blood flow to the penile arteries.

2. Caffeine: Caffeine acts as a stimulant and gives you a determined power and elevates mood.

3. Omega rich foods like Salmon and captivating large quantities of oily Fish helps to Growth the Omega 3 fatty acids in the body. These in turn act as natural vasodilators increasing blood flow to the penis and also act as anti-oxidants that scavenge free radicals and limit damage on arterial walls caused by oxidative stress.

4. Asparagus: Asparagus is known to Growth libido. This is by virtue of a good amount of Vitamin E in Asparagus that is primary for Testosterone production.

5. Nuts: Nuts are very good sources of primary fatty acids and Zinc. Both are important in the yield of healthy amounts of Testosterone.

In increasing to these dietary measures it is imperative that you stay fit. It is very good to pronounce an active rehearsal regimen. Routine cardiovascular exercises like brisk walking and swimming will keep you fit. rehearsal increases power levels and elevates mood both of which in turn have a determined effect on your sexual life.

The more angles you charge Ed from the better the results. Try out these simple steps to cure your Ed simply and be a new man!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Great Thanksgiving Delicacies - Made With Leftovers!

Great Thanksgiving Delicacies - Made With Leftovers!

Turkey Shepherd's Pie

A appetizing way to use all your Thanksgiving leftovers!

4 tbsp butter, divided
1/2 large onion, diced (1 1/2 cups)
2 carrots, diced small (1/3 to 1/2 cup)
2 stalks celery, diced small
4 tbsp Turkey Trimmings Spice
1/4 tsp kosher salt
1/4 tsp fresh ground pepper
2 1/2 to 3 cups shredded leftover turkey
1/2 cup leftover gravy, divided
1/2-1 cup chicken stock
1 cup leftover stuffing
2 cups leftover mashed potatoes

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Heat a large skillet over medium heat, and melt 1 tbsp of the butter.

3. Add the onions, carrots and celery.

4. Saute until the onions are translucent, 5 to 7 minutes.

5. Add half the Turkey Trimmings and all of the salt and pepper, and cook an additional one minute.

6. Add the turkey and stir.

7. Stir in the gravy, then 1/4 cup of the broth.

8. Bring to a boil; sacrifice heat; simmer until thickened a bit, about five minutes.

9. Add broth as needed to achieve a thin, stewy sauce.

10. Melt the remaining butter in a saucepan and stir in mashed potatoes, stirring until warm.

11. Scoop turkey mixture into individual tins or an 8x10 pan.

12. Spread the leftover stuffing over the top, then spread the mashed potatoes over that.

13. Bake 20 minutes or until golden. Sprinkle with remaining Turkey Trimmings.

Thanksgiving Cranberry Cobbler

1 bag Cranberry and White Chocolate Coffee Cake mix
1/2 tsp Pie Spice
1 tsp Cranberry Orange Vinegar
1 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1 (12 ounce) can peach pie filling
1 (12 ounce) can whole berry cranberry sauce

vanilla ice cream

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Combine Cranberry and White Chocolate Coffee Cake mix, Russian Mulling Spice, and Cranberry Orange Vinegar in a bowl.

3. Cut in butter with a pastry blender until crumbly.

4. Stir in nuts and set aside.

5. Combine peach pie filling and cranberry sauce in an ungreased 13 x 9 inch pan. Sprinkle crumb mixture over fruit.

6. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes or until golden brown.

7. Serve with ice cream.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

business Logo - Your Unique Brand Ambassador

business Logo - Your Unique Brand Ambassador

Alison Hulett said, "The logo or trademark is without a doubt the ultimate 'branding' tool." The logo is the to the brand - this stateMent perfectly defines the position of your company logo and the part it plays in your optical portfolio.

The word "logo" means a name, symbol, or trademark designed for easy recognition. To better understand the place of the logo in organizational branding we should remarked over history. The use of logos goes back to the early days of the Renaissance, around the 13th Century. Goldsmiths, masons, paper makers, and potters, were among the first trades people to use symbols - pressings into gold, chiseled symbols, watermarks on paper, and easy thumbprints on pottery. Trademarks are still used for the same reason; they were established centuries ago to identify a single stock for recognizing a single product. These "marks" made it easier to differentiate a ability stock from the ones that were not well made. The value of the craftsmanship represented in gold, paper, stonework, pottery, etc., could be expressed straight through the special, distinctive mark on the product. It's still helpful to think of a logo in those terms: your logo is your symbol-your mark-of guaranteed authenticity. A easy swoosh on a pAir of athletic shoes transforms those modest sneakers into desirable, ability footwear with an unspoken certify of "authentic athletic performance."

Logos are still the front door to products and services today. Uniqueness is key to the success of the identity of a business. This is of utmost importance to avoid obscuring in the market place. The popularity of a logo increases straight through the consistency of its presentation.

A good logo provides a recognizable image portraying the ability and professionalism of a business. A expertly designed corporate logo will allow you to originate your brand and effectively market your stock or service. Your logo should be easy and readable. The viewer should "get it" immediately and be able to get a "sneak peek" into your brand straight through the mark itself. The challenge then, is to originate a unique without being boring or institutional. Your logo should transport a sense of emotion and personality. Think of it as the layers of an onion. As you peel each layer-the typography, the symbols, the shapes and textures, and color palette-you learn more and more about the brand, rather more about the company behind the logo. Your logo should express the appropriate tone and voice articulated in your brand strategy. Since brand consistency ensures that consumers will admittedly identify the products, branding is especially important to small and growing businesses.

Your logo should look dissimilar than other logos-especially those who share your same market space or anticipation base. Having a "me too" logo designs, will weaken your organization's uniqueness and the differentiation you tried so hard to found in developing your brand essence. It is always advisable to approach professional branding or designing fellowships who have professional caress in conceptualizing your company logo and shaping them to reality.

Monday, November 14, 2011

How to Make tasty Candy - Chocolate Cashew Macadamia Crunch

How to Make tasty Candy - Chocolate Cashew Macadamia Crunch

If you think you can't make delicious candies, you are, naturally put, wrong! making your own homemade candy doesn't have to be hard. Here is a recipe to make a homemade candy that is delicious but not difficult. This one is enough to make your mouth water: Cashew Macadamia Crunch.

The Macadamia nuts give this chocolate candy a touch of the islands. How could the compound of chocolate chips, cashews, macadamia nuts, butter, sugar, and corn syrup not be delicious? Too bad I have come to be a diabetic. But I'm going to try this with sugar-free chocolate chips, Splenda granular instead of sugar and see how it turns out. I'm hoping there won't be enough corn syrup in a incorporate of pieces to raise my blood sugar! I think the nuts will counteract the corn syrup--I hope.

Cashew Macadamia Crunch

1 pkg (11 1/2-oz) milk chocolate chips
3/4 cup coarsely chopped cashews
3/4 cup coarsely chopped macadamia nuts
1 stick butter, softened
1/2 cup sugar
2 tbsp light corn syrup

Line a 9-inch square pan with foil, extending foil over edges of pan. Butter foil. Cover lowest of ready pan with chocolate chips. incorporate the cashews, macadamia nuts, butter, sugar, and corn syrup in a large heavy skillet; cook over low heat, stirring constantly until the butter is melted and the sugar is dissolved. Turn heat to medium and cook, stirring constantly, until the compound begins to cling together and turns a medium golden brown color. This will take about 10 minutes. Pour the compound over the chocolate chips in the pan. Spread the compound evenly. Cool and refrigerate until the chocolate is firm. Take off from the pan and peel off the foil. Break into serving size pieces. May be stored in a cool, dry place in a tightly covered container.

Yield: About 1 1/2 lbs

Enjoy! (And eat a piece for me!)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Cooking With Pumpkin

Cooking With Pumpkin

Pumpkin is the quintessential American fall produce. From September straight through November, pumpkins can be found at grocery stores, farmers' markets, and other market across the country. Their most beloved use may be for decoration; houses across the U.S. Will place painted and carved pumpkins on doorsteps and in windowsills for Halloween and Thanksgiving. While the short pumpkin harvest period, an additional one use you will not want to miss out on is using pumpkins in Cooking.

ExperiMenting with Pumpkin

Pumpkins have a unique flavor and texture that can be used for a collection of dishes. In the fall, you can find pumpkin in everything from baked goods to soups to lattes. Creative Food lovers have industrialized all sorts of uses for pumpkins in Cooking, and the extent to which you can use pumpkins is little only by your imagination. This fall, get into the spirit of the season and try some delicious pumpkin recipes.

Making Pumpkin Puree

When production a recipe that includes pumpkin, pumpkin puree is commonly used. While you can buy canned pumpkin puree, it is often thicker and lacks the fresh taste of homemade puree. Pumpkin puree can be as a matter of fact ready at home by whether boiling or steaming and can then be frosty for later use. To boil a pumpkin, first halve the pumpkin and then take off the seeds and pulp. Peel the pumpkin and cut into small slices. Place in a pot of water, production sure that the pumpkin is covered by water, and boil for  approximately 25 minutes. The pumpkin should be tender when done. Alternatively, you can try steaming the pumpkin. Prepare the pumpkin and cut into slices as described above, then place the pieces in a Steamer, covered, and steam for 45-50 minutes.

Once the pumpkin is tender straight through whether boiling or steaming, puree it in a blender or Food processor. If you do not have a blender or prefer your pumpkin to be slightly thicker, mash the tender pumpkin by hand. You can use the puree immediately or frost it until you need it.

Pumpkin Seeds

Instead of throwing out the pumpkin seeds, reconsider toasting them in the oven. This is a very uncomplicated process that requires only a few minutes of prep time. First, preheat the oven to 250 F. Rinse the pumpkin seeds of all pulp and drain. Add oil or butter to the seeds, along with salt or other desired seasoning, and toss until lightly coated. Bake in the oven for 1 hour or until golden brown, tossing occasionally as needed. Toss in a salad, use as a substitute for pine nuts, or eat them independently.

For More Information

For more pumpkin recipes to try at home, please visit the informative, interactive cooking website Cd Kitchen today.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Feeding a Golden Retriever - assorted & spirited Diet For These Food Lovers!

Feeding a Golden Retriever - assorted & spirited Diet For These Food Lovers!

You can feed your Golden Retriever high-quality market Food, but the best way to provide a nutritious salutary diet is to combine both market Food for dogs with fresh Food for people. Either dry or canned, most market dog food lacks the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that come with fresh food. Vets agree that fresh food is good for your dog, providing institution use moderation. Golden Retrievers love fresh food. They can smell it a mile away, and if it smells good, they'll eat it!

Commercial dog foods are good sources of protein and vitamins, but fresh food contains more considerable nutrients and a more discrete diet. For example, fresh chicken and beef provide more protein and minerals than any market dog food on the store today. Fish also contains plentiful protein and helps your Golden Retriever vocalize a salutary brain.

As long as your give a dog the allowable nutrients and minerals, they can stay healthy. But Golden Retrievers love variety, and the are delighted when the receive the same food as they see people eating. To keep your Golden interested in his food, offer them a distinct food each day. RecomMended people foods for dogs contain chicken and chicken livers, kale, red beets, chickpeas, and peas. Avoid corn, wheat, and soy, as more dogs tend to be allergic to them. people also feed their dogs some fruits, vegetables, and grains without ill effect. These contain apples and bananas, carrots and cauliflower, peaches, rice cakes, and tuna.

Play it safe. Don't make big changes in your Golden Retriever's diet at once. Add a tiny of a fresh food one day, and wait a day or two before doing it again. Dogs have reacted badly to sweeping diet changes, so you'll want to be cautious. There are also human foods that are poisonous to dogs, including chocolate, onions, garlic, and macadamia nuts. Don't give your dog fruit pits or potato peelings, foods with caffeine, broccoli, or raisins or grapes. Before you make changes in your Golden Retriever's diet, check out the internet for those foods that are safe and those that are not safe.

Be sure that your Golden Retriever gets plenty of animal protein in his diet. Dogs are not carnivorous animals. Unlike Cats, who must have meat to survive, dogs can survive on a diverse diet of plant and animal products. They are omnivores and eat all types of foods. In the wild, they eat grasses, leaves, and other plants. Having said this, dogs do in fact thrive on animal-based diets. Although an all-meat diet is dangerous, dogs do need meat.

To be safe, you should give your Golden a compound of dog and people food to assure he gets all the nutrients he needs. Make sure his diet is about half animal protein, and spice things up by giving him distinct human foods each day. Be meticulous not to over-feed your Golden Retriever as you experiMent with new diet combinations. You might want to weigh him once a week to be sure you catch any weight-gain trends as they happen. Also, seek your Golden Retriever's reactions to human food in case he should have an allergy you didn't expect.

If ever in doubt, do not hesitate in giving your vet a call. Your vet knows your dog and its healing history. They'll be able to recomMend the best diet, including both market food for dogs and human foods, to vocalize allowable health and an standard weight.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Native Habitat Trees & Shrubs

Native Habitat Trees & Shrubs

The silky dogwood grows best at the water's edge in full and partial sun and can be anywhere from three to eight feet in height. Birds and small mammals are attracted to it. It blooms in the spring and in early summer, it has exciting white flowers with blue flowers in the late summer. The winter produces reddish stems. It has the quality to root from cuttings and is often used in beach and stream bank rehabilitation projects.

Another of the native trees and shrubs is the Fragrant Sumac. It requires a dry, upland site for planting and full sun. It grows from eight to twenty feet in height. It is a thicket-forming shrub and is a good plant for controlling erosion on road cuts and other sloping areas with poor dry soils. It blooms in the spring and has yellow flowers and red fruits that remain on the plant during the winter. In the fall, it produces beautiful red foliage.

A third of the native trees and shrubs is the PawPaw. It grows on a moist upland site near the water's edge in partial and full sun. It can grow in height from right to twenty feet. It blooms in the spring and produces the largest edible fruit of any plant native to America, eaten by raccoons and other small mammals. As such, it was cultivated by native American tribes for Food. In the fall, it flower becomes yellow in color.

A tree that is one of the native trees and shrubs is the American Beech. It grows on moist upland sites with a shallow root system in partial and full sun. It blooms in the spring and can to over 50 feet in height. It has a golden bronze color in the fall and makes a good nest for small mammals and birds. It produces edible nuts that are eaten by turkeys and other wildlife.

Finally, a tree that is one of the native trees and shrubs is the Sugar Maple. It can grow on moist to dry upland sites in full sun, partial sun and full shade. It maximum height reaches over 50 feet. It is also called the hard or rock maple and its sap is the principle source of maple syrup. Its fall colors are great yellow and orange.

Below is some nice native plant species:

Shadbush Or Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis)
Height: 6'-20', Spread: 10'. Erect stems, often clumped. Blends well on the edge of woodland or shrub border with evergreen background. Prominent berry producer during the early summer months. Fruit eaten by bluebirds, cardinals, and tanagers. Foliage is used by browsers.

Red Chokeberry (Aronia arbutifolia)
Height: 6'-10', Spread: 3'-5'. Upright multistemmed shrub, somewhat open and rounded. Adaptable to many soil types . Full sun to half shade. Used in border and mass plantings. Fruit eaten by grouse, chickadees and other songbirds.

Sweet Pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia)
Height: 3'-8', Spread: 4'-6'. Oval, round topped, erect, dense leafy shrub. Transplant into moist, organic soils. Full sun or shade. Excellent for summer flower, shrub border. Good plant for wet areas and heavy shade. Microscopic wildlife value.

Red-Osier Dogwood (Cornus sericea)
Height: 7'-9', Spread: 10'. Loose, broad spreading, rounded multistemmed shrub. Spreads freely. Adaptable to a wide range of soil conditions. Does well in moist soil. Excellent for mass plantings in large areas. Effective bank cover to hold soils. Cuttings are literally established in early spring: simply prune the new growth, dip the cut end in a rooting hormone, such as Rootone, and push cut end into the ground. These shrubs form themselves readily, and are a indispensable wildlife Food. High wildlife value for fruit and browse. Used by a wide collection of mammals and songbirds, along with cardinals, evening grosbeaks, robins, thrush, vireos and cedar waxwing.

Inkberry (Ilex glabra)
Height: 6'-8', Spread: 8'-10'. Upright multibranched, rounded shrub. Prefers moist, acid soils. Excellent for foundations, hedges, mass plantings and as accent plant. Berries used by a wide collection of wildlife. "Compacta" cultivar is a dwarf collection and is more easily available.

Winterberry (Ilex verticillata)
Height: 6'-10', Spread: same. Oval, rounded, deciduous shrub holly. Tends to form multistemmed clumps. Does well in light and heavy soils. Prefers moist, organic soils. Excellent for mass plantings and shrub borders. Red fruit is beautiful in winter. A male plant is indispensable for fertilization. Used extensively by many songbirds, particularly thrushes, mockingbirds, robins, bluebirds, and thrashers.

Virginia Sweetspire (Itea virginica)
Height: 3'-5', Spread: 6'-8'. Erect shrub with clustered branches. Prefers moist, fertile soils. Full sun or shade. Remarkable for wet areas. Excellent fall color. Fruit capsules are used by some songbirds.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pinones - Healthy, Tasty, American Treat

Pinones - Healthy, Tasty, American Treat

Pinones are the nuts of the pinon pine tree. Not the same as the stone pine nuts produced in Italy, China, and Spain, American pine nuts are harvested by hand every September and October in the northern New Mexico woodlands.

Once they are shelled and then roasted, piñon nuts make a tasty increasing to candies, cookies, salads, sauces, and pesto, or they can be eaten as snack, especially, in New Mexico, as Christmastime snack Food. These tiny nuts add New Mexican accent to winter Cooking with their sweet and occasionally resinous flavor.

Piñones are produced mainly in southern Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado from locally native stone pine (piñon means pine) trees. Their shell is exceptionally hard to crack, making the nuts are commonly expensive. They sell sell for about Us a pound (/kg).

Both European and Native American folk treatMent have long used stone pine nuts as a folk remedy for nervous disturbances, tuberculosis, bladder infections, and upset stomach. They are richer in protein than most other nuts, and the softer-shell varieties comprise more traditional amino acids (tryptophan, lysine, methionine) than equal Weights of milk or beef. A 3-1/2 oz (100 g) serving of these nuts provides a week's furnish of iodine, manganese, copper, zinc, and cobalt, and it is a good source of vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin. Like most nuts, they are a good source of heart-healthy alpha-linolenic acid.

Eat pi��on pine nuts raw or roasted. You can roast any kind of pine nut in a 350°F (180°C) oven or in a dry pan on top of the stove (tossing regularly) until golden brown. Be sure to roast be using in a pesto recipe.

Monday, September 26, 2011

From Soup To Nuts

The seminar continues as to whether we evolved from primordial soup or we were created by a higher power. In whether case the level of human behavior at which we find ourselves can only be classified as nuts. One would think that after all the time that has passed (billions of years for some, thousands for others) that the human race would have exhibited a far greater knowledge of our human frailties. How is it that we are not able to live a peaceful coexistence even with all the disparities that exist between the separate races, ethnicity and religion. Yes, there are collective inequalities and differing opinions, but we have long since passed the time when humanities aggressive behavior should have peaked. The alarming part is that with the coming of technology and the speed at which the information age has progressed, I sense that the question will only get worse and anger will not be abated.

Along with the speed and quantity of information the process by which we deciPh Meters of the group in order to gain and avow power. This is fulfilled, by pitting one group against another. This can be done whether covertly or overtly.

Golden Nuts

Adding to the blurring is the intertwining of the political and the religious agenda. For centuries religious leaders were in control of the political landscape. Although the political schedule is now at the forefront many of the religious tenets set the agenda. Even groups organized for the purpose of collective entertainMent can at times come to be fractious.

From Soup To Nuts

If you are among those that believe in Creationism then we are experiencing the drama laid out for us by the Creator. Thus it would be easy for us to excuse our behavior since it is predestined. Such is not the case since we were also endowed with free will. So if we have the will to make our own decisions why do we chose aberrant behavior? The basic tenets of most religions is brotherly love and some manifestation of the Golden Rule. Yet there are scores of religions each claiming to be the true and only religion. It has been in the name of those religions that the world has endured the slaughter of millions of people. How sad that for the most part they were in bargain with their beliefs but were pawns manipulated by unscrupulous leaders. Sadder yet is that it continues today and with deadlier weapons.

Groups can serve a purpose but we each have the accountability to control our own actions. If our personal beliefs are in disagreeMent with the group Mentality it is incumbent on us to do the right thing. Only straight through private empowerMent will we be able to stop the cycle of violence. The request still remains that once we are able to demonstrate the spoton behavior of a civilized society how do we go about educating others? The world is still filled with people who have been brain washed into believing that violence in the name of religion is sanctioned. Not only sanctioned but by the destruction of others they will come to be martyrs. How does the world go about healing? Those individuals who truly believe that what they are doing is just, are they evil or are they unfortunate to have been raised and instilled with the justification of the evil acts? It is beyond our understanding that such acts can be committed for anyone reason, so we must find a way to convert the behavior since it is inexcusable.

It is definite that at gift the world leaders are not serving us well. There is to much bravado and too many power plays by opposing nations that the world is growing more and more hazardous everyday. The request for the world to respond is "Where is the United Nations"? Why have they not fulfilled there mandate to make peace in the world? The selection of November 2, 2010 had any mandates. One being a smaller central government and other being deficit reduction. Having said that I read that the President is traveling to India with 3,000 guest, 40 planes and reserving 579 rooms in a world class hotel and the cost will be 0 million a day. Combine those facts with the fact that America is responsible for paying 25% of the United Nations allocation with little results. One has to wonder if the genes responsible for human thinking have not evolved to a greater degree than that of our ancestors. Maybe it is time for America to tell the United Nations that we can no longer support such incompetency. My recommendation to the United Nations is to make a committee from each member of the security Council to make education programs in Europe, the Middle East, America and Latin America.

The schedule should adDress what beliefs are held by the private countries and religions. We cannot solve problems without a common understanding. We cannot have a common understanding without the proper communications. Murder and mayhem will continue ad infinitum until countries cultivate an atmosphere of dealing with their differences without the use of force.

From Soup To Nuts