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Monday, February 20, 2012

How To Toast Pecans

How To Toast Pecans

Pecans are one of my beloved nuts to use for Cooking and especially baking. Not only do they have a range of condition properties but they also add a nice texture and a bit of a sweet flavor to many Foods, especially if they are candied. Some recipes work well with raw pecans, but other times a formula works better with toasted pecans. Here are a few dissimilar ways you can toast pecans.

How To Toast Pecans

How To Toast Pecans

How To Toast Pecans

How To Toast Pecans

How To Toast Pecans

Toasting Pecans In The Oven

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Spread the pecans evenly in a single layer on an ungreased baking sheet or cookie sheet. It is best to place them on a baking rack in the middle of the oven. If they are too close to the upper or lower coil they may start to burn. Bake for 5-10 minutes checking on them periodically. When they turn golden brown they are ready.

Oven toasting allows nuts to become more uniformly browned than some of the other methods.

Toasting Pecans On The Stove

You can toast them on the stove as well, whether with or without an oil. Use a skillet with a heavy bottom so it sits evenly on the heat source. If you want to use butter or oil add it to the heated skillet, using a medium heat, and cover the surface. Add pecans. Be sure to stir or shake the nuts often so they do not burn. Pecans can burn no ifs ands or buts so don't get distracted when toasting pecans on the stove. Toast for about 5 minutes or until they turn a fragrant golden brown.

Nuts toasted this way will not be quite as evenly brown as those toasted in an oven, but some habitancy love to add a puny butter or oil which works better with the stove top method.

Toasting Pecans In The Microwave

I prefer the oven or stove method, but if you prefer using your microwave you can also toast nuts in the microwave.

Spread nuts evenly on a plate and using the high setting microwave for one minute. Take off and stir the nuts to check on progress. Continue to cook in one puny intervals until they are toasted. Keep in mind they will continue to cook a bit after they are removed from the microwave.

Toasted pecans can add a lovely flavor and texture to many dishes or desserts. Once toasted they can be kept in an Air tight box for about a week.

How To Toast Pecans

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