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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Raw Diet

Raw Diet

Diet Plan

Anatomically speaking the human body was created to process the pure eleMents from nature. This is also the principle of the raw diet. A regular low calorie diet concentrates only on losing weight but this raw diet incorporate also on your health. Not many diet plans help you treat or forestall different disease, but this raw diet does that. The gold rule of this diet plan is that you cannot boil, fry, or cook the eleMents of your meal. Before you start this diet is good if you prepare yourself and your body for this turn that you want to make in your life. For you to feel good with this type of Food, you should begin with a glass of juice made of fresh vegetables or fruits. This is great on an empty stomach, in the morning, and on the rest of the day is great as a snack.

There are some eleMents that are great to use on this diet plan but of course you can add others that can help you on this transition. Vegetables and spices that are raw or dry are the main elements of this diet. You will also need to include: seeds, nuts, earth nuts, sprouts, and sea weeds. Besides these Foods you can add cereals, or raw meat. The raw meat should be a definite Fish or chicken that is very well dried and mixed with different condiments (again the condiments are those that you like and are good for your health). A great desert for this raw diet is the mix of warm milk with whites of egg whisked into froth. You can also consist of products that are made enTirely with milk, like natural yogurt. An important factor of this raw diet is that you cannot have any kind of alcohol, refined sugar, or drinks that consist of caffeine.

Those who had tried the diet said it was an inspiring experience and a great way to stay slim and protect your health. If you think about it, there are many vegans that live perfectly with this style of life every day, enjoying every little of it.

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