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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

business Logo - Your Unique Brand Ambassador

business Logo - Your Unique Brand Ambassador

Alison Hulett said, "The logo or trademark is without a doubt the ultimate 'branding' tool." The logo is the to the brand - this stateMent perfectly defines the position of your company logo and the part it plays in your optical portfolio.

The word "logo" means a name, symbol, or trademark designed for easy recognition. To better understand the place of the logo in organizational branding we should remarked over history. The use of logos goes back to the early days of the Renaissance, around the 13th Century. Goldsmiths, masons, paper makers, and potters, were among the first trades people to use symbols - pressings into gold, chiseled symbols, watermarks on paper, and easy thumbprints on pottery. Trademarks are still used for the same reason; they were established centuries ago to identify a single stock for recognizing a single product. These "marks" made it easier to differentiate a ability stock from the ones that were not well made. The value of the craftsmanship represented in gold, paper, stonework, pottery, etc., could be expressed straight through the special, distinctive mark on the product. It's still helpful to think of a logo in those terms: your logo is your symbol-your mark-of guaranteed authenticity. A easy swoosh on a pAir of athletic shoes transforms those modest sneakers into desirable, ability footwear with an unspoken certify of "authentic athletic performance."

Logos are still the front door to products and services today. Uniqueness is key to the success of the identity of a business. This is of utmost importance to avoid obscuring in the market place. The popularity of a logo increases straight through the consistency of its presentation.

A good logo provides a recognizable image portraying the ability and professionalism of a business. A expertly designed corporate logo will allow you to originate your brand and effectively market your stock or service. Your logo should be easy and readable. The viewer should "get it" immediately and be able to get a "sneak peek" into your brand straight through the mark itself. The challenge then, is to originate a unique without being boring or institutional. Your logo should transport a sense of emotion and personality. Think of it as the layers of an onion. As you peel each layer-the typography, the symbols, the shapes and textures, and color palette-you learn more and more about the brand, rather more about the company behind the logo. Your logo should express the appropriate tone and voice articulated in your brand strategy. Since brand consistency ensures that consumers will admittedly identify the products, branding is especially important to small and growing businesses.

Your logo should look dissimilar than other logos-especially those who share your same market space or anticipation base. Having a "me too" logo designs, will weaken your organization's uniqueness and the differentiation you tried so hard to found in developing your brand essence. It is always advisable to approach professional branding or designing fellowships who have professional caress in conceptualizing your company logo and shaping them to reality.

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