Pacific Coast Deluxe Dried Fruit Tray with Nuts Gift - Free Shipping

Pacific Coast Deluxe Dried Fruit Tray with Nuts Gift - Free Shipping

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Raw Diet

Raw Diet

Diet Plan

Anatomically speaking the human body was created to process the pure eleMents from nature. This is also the principle of the raw diet. A regular low calorie diet concentrates only on losing weight but this raw diet incorporate also on your health. Not many diet plans help you treat or forestall different disease, but this raw diet does that. The gold rule of this diet plan is that you cannot boil, fry, or cook the eleMents of your meal. Before you start this diet is good if you prepare yourself and your body for this turn that you want to make in your life. For you to feel good with this type of Food, you should begin with a glass of juice made of fresh vegetables or fruits. This is great on an empty stomach, in the morning, and on the rest of the day is great as a snack.

There are some eleMents that are great to use on this diet plan but of course you can add others that can help you on this transition. Vegetables and spices that are raw or dry are the main elements of this diet. You will also need to include: seeds, nuts, earth nuts, sprouts, and sea weeds. Besides these Foods you can add cereals, or raw meat. The raw meat should be a definite Fish or chicken that is very well dried and mixed with different condiments (again the condiments are those that you like and are good for your health). A great desert for this raw diet is the mix of warm milk with whites of egg whisked into froth. You can also consist of products that are made enTirely with milk, like natural yogurt. An important factor of this raw diet is that you cannot have any kind of alcohol, refined sugar, or drinks that consist of caffeine.

Those who had tried the diet said it was an inspiring experience and a great way to stay slim and protect your health. If you think about it, there are many vegans that live perfectly with this style of life every day, enjoying every little of it.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Greet to Great - 3 Ways to devotee the Welcome

Greet to Great - 3 Ways to devotee the Welcome

Are you a specialist of the Welcome?

Hope so.

Because the first words out of your mouth frame the enTire buyer experience.

Consider these two facts:

1. Agreeing to The Wall road Journal from February 17th, 2006, you have less than five seconds to make a first impression.

2. Agreeing to a 2007 article on Hotel Executive, your greeting influences the customer's perception more than any other act of engageMent.

That's how suited your first words are.

With that in mind, let's inspect three ways to specialist the welcome so you can go from Greet to Great.

Phone Greetings

Aaron Jaslow, editor of the networking/marketing publication RainToday, shares a great example. "A house friend once founded a enterprise called Quack Quack Productions. Needless to say, he picked up the phone every day and said, 'Quack, Quack!' I would have paid money to work there and sass the phones like that."

Is your phone greeting that good?

So unique that complete strangers would call just to hear it?

So unique that citizen would want to work there just to use it?

Go From Greet To Great: be unique and unforgettable in less than eight words.

Voice mail Greetings

So you miss a few calls. Big deal. You can still leverage your voice mail as an effective branding and aid tool.

My friend Kenny Golde, filmmaker and owner of Fire Breathing Dragon, Inc., ends his voice mail greeting with, "And don't forget to tell me your favorite movie!"

Callers love it. What's more, they engage. Clients and prospects alike will go on for minutes. They share movie-related stories, favorites and preferences on a daily basis. What a great technique to get to know your callers!

Is your voice mail that good?

So good that your callers don't want to hang up?

So good that it helps you learn buyer preferences?

From Greet To Great: rerecord your voice mail with a question.

Front Door Greetings

In the sell world, greetings are Gold. As a former furniture salesman, I can attest to that!

Here's an exercise: think about your store. Make a list called "Top Ten Most tasteless Greetings Customers Expect to Hear."

Then make sure Nobody uses any of them.

Fact: the most effective way to capture customers' concentration is to break their patterns.

The store at which I sold furniture was nuts. City Liquidators had three floors of couches, coffee and craziness. So, I would advent customers as they walked in the door and say, "Welcome to the circus!"

And they loved it.

Is your greeting unexpected?

So unexpected that customers stop in their tracks?

So unexpected that customers are instantly made comfortable?

From Greet To Great: when you break a pattern, you make a sale.

Let Me Ask Ya This...

Are you a specialist of the Welcome?

Let Me advise This...

Brainstorm three new greetings for your phone, voicemail and storefront.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Erectile Dysfunction Natural treatment - Tips To Cure Your Ed naturally

Erectile Dysfunction Natural treatment - Tips To Cure Your Ed naturally

This article highlights 8 of the most important tips that one can effect to cure erectile dysfunction naturally. Natural remedies and treatMents for erectile dysfunction are a safe alternative to dangerous designate drugs. Try these before you make a decision on designate drugs.

1. Take note of what you eat: If you take your diet more seriously you are production a big determined change to cure your Ed. Avoid Fast Foods, fattening Foods, high sugary foods or sweets. If you cut total fat intake to less than 60 grams per day and cut Cholesterol you are well on your way to manage your Ed.

2. Growth circulation: The very act of achieving an erection depends on a good blood Supply to the penile arteries. A diet that is low in fats and Cholesterol will go a long way to enhance the circulation in your loins!

3. Size of your meals: Just make a fist and the size of this fist should be your meal size. 5-6 small meals per day will ensure that your blood flow is kept going to where it needs to go for an erection rather than the stomach for digestive purposes.

4. Fiber: A diet rich in fiber (whole grains, fruits and vegetables) are responsible to keep the body cleansed and detoxed.

5. Vitamins: Without exaggerating the significance of Vitamins here suffice to say that a daily intake of Vitamins will ensure proper blood flow to the penile arteries. Vitamin E is an anti-oxidant Vitamin that serves to free the arteries from harmful free radicals and has to be a major component of your daily Vitamin intake.

6. Water: Water has cleansing and purifying properties. Three quarters of our body is water and aim to drink at least 10 tall glasses of water every day.

7. Gingko: Many supermarkets are stocked with suppleMents containing Gingko. Touted as a wonder herb Gingko increases the blood flow and circulation to the genital arteries and veins and this reverses Ed.

8. Breathing: Oxygen is vital to reversing Ed and what better way to get more Oxygen into you than some simple breathing exercises aimed at deep breathing. Just 15 minutes a day of deep breathing will ensure that you Growth the Oxygen article in your body.

In increasing to the above 8 tips on general diet there are some captivating 'foods' that are known to reverse Ed. Here is a list of what's good for you:

1. Dark Chocolates: Dark chocolates are known to Growth the blood flow to the penile arteries.

2. Caffeine: Caffeine acts as a stimulant and gives you a determined power and elevates mood.

3. Omega rich foods like Salmon and captivating large quantities of oily Fish helps to Growth the Omega 3 fatty acids in the body. These in turn act as natural vasodilators increasing blood flow to the penis and also act as anti-oxidants that scavenge free radicals and limit damage on arterial walls caused by oxidative stress.

4. Asparagus: Asparagus is known to Growth libido. This is by virtue of a good amount of Vitamin E in Asparagus that is primary for Testosterone production.

5. Nuts: Nuts are very good sources of primary fatty acids and Zinc. Both are important in the yield of healthy amounts of Testosterone.

In increasing to these dietary measures it is imperative that you stay fit. It is very good to pronounce an active rehearsal regimen. Routine cardiovascular exercises like brisk walking and swimming will keep you fit. rehearsal increases power levels and elevates mood both of which in turn have a determined effect on your sexual life.

The more angles you charge Ed from the better the results. Try out these simple steps to cure your Ed simply and be a new man!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Great Thanksgiving Delicacies - Made With Leftovers!

Great Thanksgiving Delicacies - Made With Leftovers!

Turkey Shepherd's Pie

A appetizing way to use all your Thanksgiving leftovers!

4 tbsp butter, divided
1/2 large onion, diced (1 1/2 cups)
2 carrots, diced small (1/3 to 1/2 cup)
2 stalks celery, diced small
4 tbsp Turkey Trimmings Spice
1/4 tsp kosher salt
1/4 tsp fresh ground pepper
2 1/2 to 3 cups shredded leftover turkey
1/2 cup leftover gravy, divided
1/2-1 cup chicken stock
1 cup leftover stuffing
2 cups leftover mashed potatoes

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Heat a large skillet over medium heat, and melt 1 tbsp of the butter.

3. Add the onions, carrots and celery.

4. Saute until the onions are translucent, 5 to 7 minutes.

5. Add half the Turkey Trimmings and all of the salt and pepper, and cook an additional one minute.

6. Add the turkey and stir.

7. Stir in the gravy, then 1/4 cup of the broth.

8. Bring to a boil; sacrifice heat; simmer until thickened a bit, about five minutes.

9. Add broth as needed to achieve a thin, stewy sauce.

10. Melt the remaining butter in a saucepan and stir in mashed potatoes, stirring until warm.

11. Scoop turkey mixture into individual tins or an 8x10 pan.

12. Spread the leftover stuffing over the top, then spread the mashed potatoes over that.

13. Bake 20 minutes or until golden. Sprinkle with remaining Turkey Trimmings.

Thanksgiving Cranberry Cobbler

1 bag Cranberry and White Chocolate Coffee Cake mix
1/2 tsp Pie Spice
1 tsp Cranberry Orange Vinegar
1 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1 (12 ounce) can peach pie filling
1 (12 ounce) can whole berry cranberry sauce

vanilla ice cream

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Combine Cranberry and White Chocolate Coffee Cake mix, Russian Mulling Spice, and Cranberry Orange Vinegar in a bowl.

3. Cut in butter with a pastry blender until crumbly.

4. Stir in nuts and set aside.

5. Combine peach pie filling and cranberry sauce in an ungreased 13 x 9 inch pan. Sprinkle crumb mixture over fruit.

6. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes or until golden brown.

7. Serve with ice cream.