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Saturday, February 11, 2012

wholesome Desserts

wholesome Desserts

Healthy and dessert are two words that are not regularly related together. Maybe that's because we consider dessert to be a compound of sugar and fat, loaded with fat and other bad stuff. The reality of a healthy dessert can be yours though if you are willing to try something different. Oh yeah, fruit is already a dessert in some countries, but in the Usa we consider it a treat only when it's baked inside some kind of crust and loaded with sugar.

wholesome Desserts

wholesome Desserts

wholesome Desserts

wholesome Desserts

wholesome Desserts

Granted, if you have a serious sweet tooth, this alternative healthy stuff is probably not going to satisfy you but if you are also trying to be healthier and weigh less, it will help a lot. The easiest way to give yourself a healthy treat is to go for a indeed good yogurt-like Bulgarian yogurt, or Greek yogurt-which can be found in your local condition Food store. Then rove down the aisle where they keep the cacao products and grab yourself a container of cacao nibs. To that you can add some Goji berries or golden currants but stay away from the Incan golden-berries unless you are a great fan of Tart and sour tastes (those exiguous things may be packed with great antioxidant power but boy, are they tart). Throw in some chopped nuts, add a exiguous stevia for sweetness, mix it all up, and you have a great healthy dessert. an additional one healthy treat is to put the same things in some ricotta cheese. That's a exiguous heavier but just as tasty and regularly doesn't require any sweetener.

Okay now let's get real and talk about chocolate, which is what you are indeed reading this for right? Yes, you can have your chocolate and still be eating something healthy. The cacao bean is chock full of antioxidant power; it's the sugar that gets added that is the problem. You can get the cacao bean and grind it up with some coconut oil or organic cream and get yourself a creamy treat but you'll still have to add some sweetness to it. You can get the sweetness either from stevia (a natural-source sweetener called Honey Leaf) or just add honey, fruit juice or sugar. To be healthiest though, use stevia. If you just make the creamy cacao compound you can spread it on something healthy like apple slices or make some almond bark. Keep in mind that this is supposed to be a healthy dessert, right?

Another healthy alternative is to put some nut butter on fruit; that works best on apple or pear slices but you can always thin the butter out a bit with some coconut oil or cacao and dip strawberries, cherries and the like...and then roll them in nuts. Whipped cream is also an easy addition to make some fresh fruit special and if you fry some bananas in butter or coconut oil, dip them in cacao cream and then throw some chopped nuts on them, with a Dollop of whipped cream...well...Elvis would have gone for that, I'm sure.

©2010 Dr.Valerie Olmsted All proprietary Reserved

wholesome Desserts

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