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Monday, September 26, 2011

From Soup To Nuts

The seminar continues as to whether we evolved from primordial soup or we were created by a higher power. In whether case the level of human behavior at which we find ourselves can only be classified as nuts. One would think that after all the time that has passed (billions of years for some, thousands for others) that the human race would have exhibited a far greater knowledge of our human frailties. How is it that we are not able to live a peaceful coexistence even with all the disparities that exist between the separate races, ethnicity and religion. Yes, there are collective inequalities and differing opinions, but we have long since passed the time when humanities aggressive behavior should have peaked. The alarming part is that with the coming of technology and the speed at which the information age has progressed, I sense that the question will only get worse and anger will not be abated.

Along with the speed and quantity of information the process by which we deciPh Meters of the group in order to gain and avow power. This is fulfilled, by pitting one group against another. This can be done whether covertly or overtly.

Golden Nuts

Adding to the blurring is the intertwining of the political and the religious agenda. For centuries religious leaders were in control of the political landscape. Although the political schedule is now at the forefront many of the religious tenets set the agenda. Even groups organized for the purpose of collective entertainMent can at times come to be fractious.

From Soup To Nuts

If you are among those that believe in Creationism then we are experiencing the drama laid out for us by the Creator. Thus it would be easy for us to excuse our behavior since it is predestined. Such is not the case since we were also endowed with free will. So if we have the will to make our own decisions why do we chose aberrant behavior? The basic tenets of most religions is brotherly love and some manifestation of the Golden Rule. Yet there are scores of religions each claiming to be the true and only religion. It has been in the name of those religions that the world has endured the slaughter of millions of people. How sad that for the most part they were in bargain with their beliefs but were pawns manipulated by unscrupulous leaders. Sadder yet is that it continues today and with deadlier weapons.

Groups can serve a purpose but we each have the accountability to control our own actions. If our personal beliefs are in disagreeMent with the group Mentality it is incumbent on us to do the right thing. Only straight through private empowerMent will we be able to stop the cycle of violence. The request still remains that once we are able to demonstrate the spoton behavior of a civilized society how do we go about educating others? The world is still filled with people who have been brain washed into believing that violence in the name of religion is sanctioned. Not only sanctioned but by the destruction of others they will come to be martyrs. How does the world go about healing? Those individuals who truly believe that what they are doing is just, are they evil or are they unfortunate to have been raised and instilled with the justification of the evil acts? It is beyond our understanding that such acts can be committed for anyone reason, so we must find a way to convert the behavior since it is inexcusable.

It is definite that at gift the world leaders are not serving us well. There is to much bravado and too many power plays by opposing nations that the world is growing more and more hazardous everyday. The request for the world to respond is "Where is the United Nations"? Why have they not fulfilled there mandate to make peace in the world? The selection of November 2, 2010 had any mandates. One being a smaller central government and other being deficit reduction. Having said that I read that the President is traveling to India with 3,000 guest, 40 planes and reserving 579 rooms in a world class hotel and the cost will be 0 million a day. Combine those facts with the fact that America is responsible for paying 25% of the United Nations allocation with little results. One has to wonder if the genes responsible for human thinking have not evolved to a greater degree than that of our ancestors. Maybe it is time for America to tell the United Nations that we can no longer support such incompetency. My recommendation to the United Nations is to make a committee from each member of the security Council to make education programs in Europe, the Middle East, America and Latin America.

The schedule should adDress what beliefs are held by the private countries and religions. We cannot solve problems without a common understanding. We cannot have a common understanding without the proper communications. Murder and mayhem will continue ad infinitum until countries cultivate an atmosphere of dealing with their differences without the use of force.

From Soup To Nuts